Message from the Executive Director
Winter will be here before we know it. As a matter of fact, by the time you are reading this, snow could possibly be on the ground and Woodland Trails Sled Hill will be open for business. Recreation opportunities at River Trails Park District change with each season.
“Unplug Illinois” is an initiative created by the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association. It is an initiative that we participate in as we generate opportunities for you and your family to “unplug” from electronics and the rigors of the normal day and “plug in” to opportunities for education, recreation, fitness, socialization, game play, nature and many others.
Parkour, athletic leagues for both adults and youth, early childhood enrichment classes, youth programming, dance classes along with the fitness center are available all winter long with new programs to try. There are always events to get you and your family out of the house – don’t miss out on Mommy and Me Valentine Tea, Lunch with the Bunny and our big winter event FREEZE Fest Zone! Found on pages 30 & 31.
The River Trails Park District serves both the Prospect Heights and Mount Prospect communities. Be sure to Like Us on Facebook!
Come check out the benefits of enjoying “Unplugging Yourself” at your leisure, after all, The Benefits of Recreation are Endless.
Bret Fahnstrom
Executive Director